Information about waste disposal

From january 1st Årdal and its citizens will get its waste collected by Simas AS. Simas stands for Sogn Intercommunal enviorment and waste company. The company is owned by Aurland, Høyanger, Luster, Lærdal, Sogndal, Vik and Årdal municipals. It was founded i 1994 and collects waste from about 28 000 inhabitants in these 7 municipals.

This means for you that you should have waste containers for organic waste, paper, glas and metal and residual waste. We also collect plastic, this is delivered in designated plastic sacks.  

There is a waste calander that tells you when which waste will be collected in your area at what time. There is also an app: MinRevovasjon (Google Play) and (Appstore)


So in Årdal we recycle all that we can.



In Årdal you have to divide your waste into three catagories; paper waste, household waste and environmental waste. These catagories are either collected by our wastemanagment crew and you delivering it yourself.

  • Household waste, bin with black lid, is collected once a week.
  • Paper waste, bin with a blue lid, is collected once a month.
  • Environmental waste, small red bin and on its own, can be delivered during opening hours at Geithus and/or Sunde resirk (depending on the waste).

Check our waste disposal calander to find what waste and when. (PDF, 113 kB)

There is a red miljøboks (environment box) is to be used to place dangerous waste such as oils, emulsions, petrols etc.

If you have questions contact: 
Henrik Styve Stokstad
phone: 417 28 551